Weekly update

I'm substituting for Torres 872 this week cause of unknown reasons. (well 2 me) anyways, the weekly updates are as follows: 1) main release: battleunderd expansion. This part sadly is members only :( but since I am one I'll keep you updated. Not much information is known but I have found out this. This time you have to help Yara the paladin find a spirit that will help rid the evil once and for all. (sorry no pictures yet) 2) the span: giant plushies are coming! 3) the span: a new pet is coming. It's tek's pet Scrap. 4) pyromatic items: as we all know (I hope), Pyromancer is coming out. But wait, there's more! There's also a xan set and another pyromatic set. I'll post the items in the second post. 5) shops: according too my source, next Tuesday will have 2 new shops. Which ones? Te liberty and full moon. :) Pictures for new items coming this week 6/29 post is coming later :)