J6 wedding,"My First Battle-Pet" Shop and new houses.

Hey there! I think Jinglebob mentioned this before, J6 is getting married!!! He married Cinazul, and an In-Game event about this is comming up this Friday. In this event, wedding rares are comming! Some of the are:

  • Silver Eternal Flame
  • J6 Wedding Cake Helm
  • Honeymoon Hyperium House
  • And much more!
J6 & Cinazul in-game

Jinglebob already showed you the pictures from the Honeymoon Hyperium House. Also you should see Balboa, talk to him to see "My First Battle-Pet" Shop. There will be 4 brand-new Battle pets!!! They are:

The Gorillaphant Calf!
The Hate Hawk!
The Battle Kitten!
The great Turbo Turtle!
Theres also a special battle pet! The Fightin Frogzard! He will Leave the shop in October the 3rd! This is how he looks like:
The Fightin Frogzard!
Now, theres also a new house shop! The houses available in there are:

  • House of Hope
  • Clerics Temple House
  • Library of Time House.
For me, this are really cool houses.Below you will see how they look like:

Library of Time House.
Clerics Temple House

House of Hope
As i said before, I like the houses. What about you?  Well, theres lots of new things on AQW, as J6 Wedding, My first Battle-Pet shop and the new houses. By the way, this houses will go Permanent rare, so what are you waiting for, Go get them quick!
*Most of the pics are from the DNs

J6 Honeymoon Hyperium sneak peaks!

So guys, the J6 Wedding Release is THIS Friday! He married the lovely Cinazul! I will post more info about it later, but for now.. Here's some sneak peaks at the Honeymoon Hyperium house! Please do not ask where I took these pics.

Guilds, TLaPD, Guild bosses!


Release Overview!

So guys, I haven't posted in a while and ALOT has happened, and its the end of the week so I thought I'd do the release overview this week.
Well since there wasn't much of a release this week I'm going to cover what happened the ENTIRE week!


Well first of all on Tuesday Guilds came out to AQW, and you could do a few basic stuff with them, guilds were free to make and everything but Friday, when it left PTR guilds became available for ALL players to join! BUT to create one you require a membership. Guilds also cost 1,000,000 (1 Million) gold to create. Also one thing that annoyed me is that people on canned servers cannot use guild chat. They're are 4 guild ranks. (That's rank 0-3)

  1. Rank 0: Guild Duffer
  2. Rank 1: Guild Member
  3. Rank 2: Guild Officer
  4. Rank 3: Guild Leader

Guild Duffers are Guild Members but have had the ability to use guild chat taken from them.
Guild Members can guild chat and use all guild activities.
Guild Officers are Guild Members but are able to demote guild members to guild duffers, recruit people and remove people, most of what the owner can do.
Guild Leaders are, like the name suggests, the leader of the guild, they can promote, demote, remove members, recruit members and anything to do with the guild possible!
Me and Torres 872 at my house, there is a bug with my guild name
that it  doesn't show all of it, the actual name of the guild is
"Shadows of The Underworld"

The Guild Menu, it is almost finished for Phase 1!


And now onto TLaPD well apparently this year TLaPD is a disappointment, like the first year, this years TLaPD had TWO! (2!) Naval Commanders, the Blazing Naval Commander, and the Chaos Naval Commander. Some people don't like the Blazing and Chaos Naval Commanders but I have to say I love them, especially the Blazing. I find that the Blazing is hard to get the colours right for cc items, but once you get the right colour... WOW!
Me in the Blazing Naval Commander

Me in Chaos Naval Commander
So there's the naval commanders, and here's some pics of other TLaPD pics
The Steampunk Captain, male and female sets!
Blunderbuster male and female sets
Pirate Quibble Bank pet!
Galleon Gal and Scruffbuckler Armors!


Hey guys, it's Flamin here with an early post because lots of stuff has been happening. Firstly, a short while ago, Yorumi and the team released phase 1 of... GUILDS! :D, Phase 1 is just recruiting, creating, promoting things like that. The guild bases will be in phase 2, which should be soon. If you want to make a guild, hurry and get it free because as soon as it goes live for everyone it'll cost 1 million gold to make one! But a huge thanks to Yorumi for making this possible!

Me and my friends guild, 'Corrupted' If you wish to join just ask us! :)

Along with guilds we have some big news!TLaPD tomorrow! Solrac and Dage's awesome navals are coming and cost 1100 acs each! Also this years Starsword has been named! Chaos Starsword! Which is unsurprising as 2012 is the year of chaos and everything :D

I'll be renewing my mem, just for 6k acs! 
Well that's tomorrow, so don't miss it! Anyway, i'm going to continue recruiting for 'Corruption'

TLaP and Guilds

Hey there!!! Its me, kait :). First i´ll tell you about TLaP. You may wondering, what does TLaP stands for? Well, it Means Talk Like a Pirate day. This is an event that is celebrated every year, every 19th of september to be precise. In each Talk Like a Pirate day, there is an Armor called a Naval Commander. So far there has been Naval commander, Rottin Naval Commander, Icy Naval Commander and Platinum Naval  Commander. This Armors have been released over the years in TLaP. This year they were Release the Chaos Naval Commander (made by Dage) and the Fiery Naval Commander (made by Solrac)! 

Fiery and Chaos Naval Commanders
Looks good right? each of this naval commanders will be 1100 acs. The Steampunk Pirate Captain, Galleon Gal And Scruffbuckler Armors will also be Released. (all images are from the design notes)
Galleon Gal and Scruffbuckler Armors
Steampunk Pirate Captain armor

Now lets stop talking about TLaP, bu lets talk about guilds! They will be coming tomorrow, According to the DNs. Some really important things you need to know:

  • Guilds will start with 15 member slots.
  • On Friday, Guild Leaders will be able to buy extra slots for 200 acs.
  • The maximun number of members will be 50
  • Future Content will come out in phase 2 of Guilds, This is phase 1.

The Guild Commands will be listed below:

  • /gc name, is used to create guild
  • /gi name, is to invite
  • /gr name is to remove
  • /gp name is  to promote
  • /gd name is to demote
  • /g puts guild chat
  • /guild will bring up the list of guild members and what server they're on (coming soon!)
  • /motd alone is the guild message of the day
  • /motd some message, sets a new one if you have enough rank to use that command
Extra Info:

  • Also, the 3rd Birthday event goes rare on 10th October.
  • I must add the event of J6´s wedding is coming soon!
  • Also this year´s starsword will be a chaos one. We dont have the sneak pics yet though :(.

All This info is from the DNs. All the credit on the information goes to AQW.
This Photo Is taken From the DNs.
I don't know what you think right now, but I cant wait for Guilds and TLaP! What about you? :)

New Limited Quantity Shop!


Hey there!!! I´m Kait18, one of the new authors. As you may see, there’s a new Limited quantity shop. Some of you might ask yourselves, what is a Limited quantity shop? A Limited Quantity shop is just what the name says. It is based on a certain number of items in it and once the number of item gets to 0, that’s it, it is sold out, in other words, you can’t get it any more. You must be wondering, what items are in the LQS (Limited Quantity Shop) this time? Well, there’s lots of new, cool Gear!!!
As you see above, there are lots of items. Personally, I really like the Golden Defiance Armor, Made by Aranx. In the photo below, I’m using Golden Defiance armor, Blade of the fallen (it has the same damage range as the overfiend blade of nulgath!!!), Runic Wings and the helm of Aranx´s Birthday shop.
Dage Also surprised all of us with his Plate of the Fallen armor and his Dark hood of the Fallen Helm. You can see me wearing it in the photo below :).
Apart from all this Items I’ve mentioned, there are many other cool items in the shop, such as Omega Alchemist Armor, Sky Frost Armor, Mana Manipulator Blade, or the Quickspark Polearm.
Sky Frost Armor

Omega Alchemist Armor

So what are you waiting for, go buy your items, before they run out!!! :).

Formal Introduction

I thought it'd be good for me to tell y'all a bit about myself. Well, I'm Flamin :D Lead for Battleon Entertainment. Also known as @Flamin_AE on Twitter (Follow me!). 

-I'm Flaminfirefly on AQW
-Overlord on Oversoul
-IAMLEGEND on Herosmash
-Firefly on AQ
-Going to be Firefly on AQ3D,
- Firefly on MQ
-The New Wolverine on Epicduel
-Wind Wizard on Dragonfable

As you can see. I am a huge supporter of AE games. I have spent around £200 on AE and that's around £100 on AQW alone. I've been playing AQ, DF and MQ since I was what, 5? And now 8 years on I'm still with AE. :'). Well, my favourite games by them are AQW and EpicDuel. Until Oversoul walked in. BOOYAH! I love it so much although i've only been playing for a day and a half. I'm defo gonna try and be a Founder in at least this amazing game. My favorite character in Oversoul is definitely the Fire Witch. In AQW my favourite class is Elemental Dracomancer, and the set I use is the one I have belooow. Until a better armor comes along or I lose my membership x). Well, I guess that's all you need to know about me. And I hope you enjoy reading my regular updates. :D


Weekly Update and OVERSOUL!

Hey there guys! It's Flamin. Although now on Twitter and Oversoul i'm known as Overlord! Haha, yup. Took opportunity of the name, just like I took advantage of 'IAMLEGEND' in HeroSmash. Alright so, some of you new guys will be like. 'What the heck is Oversoul?' I'll tell you what it is. Oversoul is a new amazing game now in early alpha testing (Really early. Yesterday was when it was released) It's a luck based strategy card game. In Oversoul there's no armors, hairstyles or whatever. But there are characters that can be possessed. Right now there are 11 characters and I possess all of them! My personal favorite is the 'Fire Witch' which, if charged right, can do so much damage. Especially with the 'Fireball' attack. A personal strategy of mine, first deploy a shield, then keep charging until you have enough to use more than one strong attack. I remember I took out this guy with a shield, a fireball and 3 infernos. That's why I have no cards left.
Quick word of advice. If anyone hasn't made a character yet, get an awesome name like I did, and also choose this as your starter. It took me about 2 hours to find the witch. Oh and that character I killed is an alpha exclusive. Skexis Fiend. Oh and it'll be confusing for newcomers so check this video out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIeh6dtMol4

Anyway. Enough Oversoul for now. Actually i'm really a hypocrite. The game is in my other tab as we speak.
Heh look. Pink. :D
This week, AQW is revealing the 1st Chaos Beast of The Span. The legendary Carnax from the original AQ. Note the fact I said '1st Chaos Beast of The Span'. 1st. First. Uno. This states there may be other ones! Well, members can go and fight the ULTRA CARNAX in /join ultracarnax where the NPC paladin golem Moon Called who gives you the quest to beat it.
 But take along some friends. You can't beat it without any. It does a move that does 8000 damage that's split up among everyone unless you're alone, then you get all 8000 :D.
Just like I did.

Well good luck beating it, I've already beat it twice and on the second try I got the awesome sauce Reign Gatekeeper.

Oh yeah. You may be wondering where my hair's from. It's from Aranx's birthday shop, which contains this hairstyle AND 'Glory of Aranx' armor. Both are member gold. Remember guys AOLF! (Aranx Only Live Forever) x)

And the runes on my back? Well they're from the Obrigado Brasil shop. The rune's acs and there are some non mem rune weapons. Oh and this is the personal set of the mod formerly known as Daimyo. 
Obrigado Brasil!

Wow there are so many shops in Battleon. Including the Cave Art one with a caveman armor, a weapon and some derp pets.
Now before I go, I want you all to remember there's a Limited Quantity Shop TODAY at 1pm server time. 5/6pm for any Brits like me. Wot wot.

Anyway guys, that's this weeks, weekly update done, and i'll be personally making posts to do with Oversoul. Cause i'm really getting into it. And also, some new authors should be making their debut post soon so be nice :3


Hey there!

Hi there guys!

I'm the new lead for Battleon Entertainment (Jinglebob's my boss ;D).

You'll be seeing a few posts from me, and i'll be telling everyone what and when to post. (Except Jinglebob. He's my boss).

Anyways, let me get started.

So Xusha's Legacy has been turned into Liar's Curse. If you haven't been following on Twitter, Xusha's sort of lied to everyone and stole the art of the Xusha's Legacy armor. In my opinion I prefer the new art, which was made by Dage the Evil a long time ago. Anyway here's the new art for the new armor. It can be found in the Legendary Suggestion Shop.

Liar's Curse by Dage the Evil.

So, do you like the new art? I definitely know I prefer this one to the other one. Moving on.
This weeks release was to do with the Solaris and Lunaris clans. We pursue the monsters in Mobius to finally end the conflict between the clans and get the Sol and Luna artifacts. I'm not going to go spoil the surprise so you'll have to play the release and see it for yourself. 

The Astrium Armor. 

Also check out the new Suggestion Shop. All the old Suggestions are now in the "Legendary Suggestion Shop." It features Reki's Reminiscence armor and Zee The Legend's Rune Falcon Blade. 

Oh yeah before I go! This Saturday 1pm server time. There's a good-themed LQS! 
Don't miss it! (:

New Staff!

This post is to Welcome a new author.

Everyone Welcome  :

Flamingfirefly !

He can be found on youtube & Twitter
Twitter: Flamin_AE
Youtube: FlaminFireFly

He is going to be our guy for managing the staffs posts.

We also have 2 new staff members coming, I'll update this post when everything is arranged and set up.

Here are their Twitters!


So we're taking a break for a while

Hey guys, this is a short post saying that we are taking a break until we can get new staff and I will be adding some stuff to the site with the help of Sennheiser. If you would like to apply please contact me via MY Twitterthe BLOGS Twitter or via the blogs contact email:BattleonEntertainment@live.ie If you get hired and you're not doing a good job on the posts I will notify you, if this happens regularly your ability to post WILL be taken from you, permanently or temporarily depending on what you did. All new posters must save there posts as drafts so someone can review it and make sure its okay.

Please do NOT make ANY more posts until I tell you all that we are going to start making posts again. Doing so will have consequences such as: Losing your position or suspension from the blog.