Some changes and Applying for staff.

Hey there, kait here. I haven't posted in a LONG time, as I've been really busy with school, final exams and other stuff. To fix this, I'll make a massive post today or tomorrow on catching up. Lots has happened, for example, Bane (Jinglebob5) left battleonent, and I'm sure all of us will miss him. Since he left, he passed the website to me, so I'm the new Owner.

Well, I've removed for now some of the pages in the site, so i could complete them/update them. They are currently "Drafts". Now, we have 3 staff members at the moment, Me, A42u and Sennheiser. It seems we need more staff, so i decided to open staff positions. If you want to be a new staff member, E-mail me at . Please use the Following form:

 Twitter page (if you have one):

*= Required.

Well, I'll explain how to fill in the form. In name, you can put your real life name, twitter name, nickname, or anything you want me to call you. In "Twitter page", Link me to your twitter if you have one, although its not required. In "Experience", you can put if you have been running or writing in a blog before, or if you have experience if writing, etc., if you have none, just put "none". I know when you send the E-mail, i can see your E-mail address, but its easier if i have it written.

So, that's all. Thanks for helping the Blog, applying, or reading our posts. I'll be trying to make Battleonent as good as i can. That's all for now,