War Updates and More!

Friday is the Dage vs Nulgath war finale! :o

Dage and Nulgath

Well to start this post off I will let you all know that Dage is changing his legion requirements for during the war (When the war is over it will go back to normal again)
The only change is the pvp part.. He will be changing it from 200 trophies to 100 trophies during the war.. He is simply making it easier but not easy

Also Dage is making a new Paragon pet, the ability of this one is unknown, and he decided that its ability will be announced some time this week. 
  The Dark Caster class is close to release, it was not stated that it will be released Friday but I have a hunch that it will, to get the Dark Caster class you will need Dark Caster armour. Dark Caster X does not entitle you to the class it must be Dark Caster.
  I am happy to be one of the few people with Dark Caster, He is giving so much to Dark Caster owners because they bought that armour for 2000 acs when he was new to AE, they took a chance and bought the armour and held onto it for so long.

Epic Duels Roggark (one of the MechaChillid warriors) is coming to Battleon this Friday to recruit people to fight for his Queen in the Infiltration war, he will be selling the Mechachillid Armor and Helm in his shop Friday.
Mechachillid Armor and Helm
There is also an Olympics shop (Lorelympics shop) coming Wednesday to! Aranx has drawn some cool armours (Or should I say tracksuits) for it :D It will also be a LTS (Limited Time Shop) meaning it will be there for a certain amount of hours (My guess until the Olympics end but you never know with AE!)

I feel as if I haven't written a post like this in a while as to write from my own view of it instead of just putting the DN's into my own words, it is much more enjoyable this way :D I will talk to you guys later as I have been up close to 18 hours now :o I'm really tired so night guys! Hope you enjoyed the post!

Problems (Yes again)

Quick post before I go, we are experiencing more problems, with the blog.. one being comments arent showing up on the comments page, only the comment admin page..

The Span: Part II: Chaos In the Library

The Span: Silence Chaos In The Library!
   Last night was the 2nd update in The Span storyline, and remember in Doomwood Part II, when they were talking about each others destiny and before they told you what yours was you were interrupted by Sepulchure? Well in this release you finally find out! :o now before I go any further in describing the release, like in all release overviews: 


The Chaos Lord is Professor Iadoa The corrupted Chronomancer from the new year event!
Sorry about the blurry bad picture, I'm in a hurry :P
He claims that back then he was merely testing you and to see if you were worthy of finding out about you're destiny, this release takes you through the timeline's themselves and shows you what it was like in each timeline (each game)
Including the future of AQW if Drakath wins, which he will if you don't find out about you're destiny, Iadao says he has very short time before the chaos consumes him and he is not himself anymore but the chaos lord that Drakath intends to make him, we do not know if Drakath knows that he is not what he will become yet or that he is teaching the Hero what to do when the time comes to face Drakath!

I will leave the war updates to Snowmote, or Torres whichever I talk to first so for now #PEACE xD

I'm Back!

Hey guys, I'm back from vacation!

So now that I'm back I'll explain why I couldn't post,
first of all its VACATION so I'm supposed to relax, but of course that was difficult and I attempted to get wifi EVERYWHERE I went, and you'd be surprised where has wifi and where doesn't :o I was at a restaurant and they didn't have wifi yet a gas station had wifi! lolwut!? 
Anyway so I was using Twitter wherever I had wifi but I have a Blackberry and Blogger isn't supported by Blackberry so I can't make posts via my phone, I couldn't get on the internet cause of how expensive it was, in most places it was €1.50 for 10 minutes that's Euro by the way, in dollars its about $1.80 and in Pound it would be about £1.15 so you can see how pricey they were, it wasn't that fast either because I found a place where it was €5 per hour which is a rip off but better..

I would like to thanks Sennheiser for running the blog while I was done so many thanks :D

Now onto the list of what I have planned there isn't much so I have decided to hold back until I have more sorry but there is only 1 or 2 things I can say that will happen and that doesn't seem to be enough so I will leave you today with this picture of my AQW character supporting Dage #DagesLegion #DageVsNulgath

Armour: Dark Caster (Original)
Weapon: Legion Flesh Ripper
Cape: Vampire Bats
Pet: Paragon Pet
& Altar of Caladbolg

Design Notes ( July 17,2012 )

July 17,2012
Fixes, Fighting, Fiction 
All Coming This Week in AQWorlds
Today (it's still Monday if you haven't slept yet, right?) was
 a really busy day ! Every Monday is, but this one more than
 most. Along with the usual meetings , discussions about
release work, and sharing tasks, we had e few key points
we needed to pin down before the team could really
get in gear for the week's work.

First up, BIG ( soon the be ) fixes!
We mentioned recently that one of the latest Flash Player
 updates has caused the lag increase to skyrocket. We
refuse to accept the limitations imposed on us by an
outside company, so we're doing everything we can do
 create our own work-around... even if that means
recoding an important part of the engine.

 Yorumi is handing over the weekly map-coding work to
Dumoose so that he can concentrate on getting this issue
dealt with as fast and as thoroughly as possible. We aren't
sitting on this problem; it is the TOP priority for the entire
AQW team.(And AE's other programmers want to know
how to fix issues like this to prevent or reduce them in their
games. /cheer for teamwork!

This afternoon, Yorumi met with Captain Rhubarb, Titan,
and Rolith (after speaking with Zhoom previously) about
this issue. That's a LOT of programming power focused on
fixing this lag issue. We don't have a solution yet, but we
DO have promising avenues of investigation.

Second, normal-sized fixes! 

We also worked on getting the last of the issues from the
Friday the 13th/War release fixed. That is a large part of
what Yorumi does on Mondays, and while working on the
lag issue, he also looked into the War Glaive error, the
bugged riddle minigame from Friday the 13th, and some
other things.

Fight Against Evil... with Evil!
Part 2 of the Dave* vs Nulgath war releases this Friday!
Get ready for more gear, more quests, and more areas of
the Underworld to explore! All of the shops will get new
items - ACs, Legion/Diamond merge shops, and the
regular war merge shops!

Klunk should now be dropping the Facebasher Mace +13
for all loyal Legion followers and any mercenary brave
enough to fight with them!

Two MORE minibosses will release with this Friday's war.
Will YOUR side be the first to unlock theirs? Remember,
the Legion won the first skirmish in the war, but that doesn't
mean the Nulgath Nation are out of the game. Rally
together and fight for your commander!

Note: Nulgath will not release the second installment of his
cinematic war cutscenes. As intricate as they are, they take
much longer than a week to produce. He will continue
working on that as he has time and will release it as soon
as it's polished.

Nulgath Waits... and Watches!

The week before last I wrote a story Design Notes that
focused on Dage the Evil. Nulgath appeared briefly, as that
lent dramatic tension to the scene. But this week I think it's
time we take a closer look at what is happening in the
ArchFiend's command tent. Get ready to watch the story
 unfold from an entirely new perspective. What you learn
may very well save your sanity... or your soul.

Coming Soon in AQWorlds!

  • Part II in the ChronoSpan Chaos zone
  • Dage vs Nulgath War finale
  • More SkyGuard

Tags: Alina Big bug fixes Small bug fixes Dave is not Dage I will not typo Dage as Dave
Dage vs Nulgath Part II How is Evil still a Live? Nulgath story DNs coming soon

( Guys as you can see this is just a copy past with som editing )

By Sennheisersoundhound /Sennheiser_

And like the tags say : Nulgath Story DN's Coming Soon! PREPARE!


Today me (Tygertjuh / @Tygertjuh_AQW) and my brother ( Assasinator 666/ @AQW_VinC ) had a meeting with Gjappy Human Angel ( Gjappy / @Gjappy ) and His brother William ( ikkw )

kinda busy

Its getting a little bit to busy for me at the moment :o

For the game i am writing about on my blog  am an devolping a new Game Mode, A new Skin , and new projects.

On this blog i must post for my friend Darragh now also for an other friend Harry :o


i am not having any problems with posting stuff / images in my posts.

Serious Problems

Guys, we're having serious problems with the blog and I am working towards a solution but I'm leaving to go on holidays to Spain tomorrow so there's not much I can do.. I'm going to try something I never thought I would do to try and get this fixed because no one can make posts that are any longer then a few lines... if they try it wipes the whole post beyond recovery.. I will see what I can do and until then posts will be kept short... :(
I'll keep you updated as much as I can with whatever happens until I leave...

Bugs and War Update

well hello everyone. this is just a weekly post requested by jinglebob. So on friday we all know that the war happend. The quests were added for each side to get tokens and diamonds. However, requirements were not added onto the token side. So they were removed and added again! Requirements are as follows. Dage: complete "hail to the kind" Nulgath: unidentified 13
The quests for each side are also now harder.

War: This war was only 1/3 of the total war. Dage has won this part. BUT for all you miltonius supporters, dont worry. more parts to come.


Dage vs Nulgath War pt.1 UPDATE: 5:10

So the Dage vs Nulgath War is here on Friday! There will be blood! If you're still unsure about who you want to fight for, here are the origins of Dage and Nulgath.

    Dage The Evil with sword Caladbolg

Dage was once a necromancer who signed Nulgath's contracts as a shortcut to more power, but when the time came for Dage to fulfill his end of the contract, he used his new knowledge and power to bind part of his soul to an armour he made. This part of his soul still retains all of Dage's knowledge and power.

Nulgath, General of the Abyss
Nulgath has been in many forms over the years and had many names (e.g Miltonius). All the while he has been evolving into his current form. Nulgath answers to no higher power, using his contracts to snare people's souls.

Dage's Blademaster


Hey, its Jinglebob5 and here's some words of Alina's I don't see how I could of read them and rewrite it in my own words with extra facts so I'll just give it in the wise words of Alina :D

As The Shadows Fall....The Undead Legion Rises!

In the frigid darkness of the Underworld, poisonous whispers hiss on the wind. The hisses turn to rumbling, rumbles to growls, until the unintelligible voices begin to scream. The winds cry, keening with their calls. These are the sounds of the undead, the ones forgotten and left to the darkness. Alone.A ghostly blue light begins to shine, highlighting the twisted halls and cavernous chambers which pit this desolate realm like jagged, angry lesions. As the glow grows brighter, unseen eyes watch the Undead rise.
Staggering to their feet, they shake the dust off of bones which have lain motionless for centuries. Compelled to move, urgency fills empty chambers where once their hearts beat; an unknown force pulls at their broken feet.
Lurching and swaying and crawling, they make their way to the place where they know HE will appear. Their Master. The Evil. Dage is waiting.
Across Lore, tens of thousands of the Undead Legion muster to his call. Though still alive, they are bound as tightly as the new Undead Dage has recruited. They all belong to him, body and soul, and they will ALL fight and die - or die again - at Dage's command. Those who survive the war will reap the rewards and many riches Dage has to offer.
He knows that Nulgath, the Archfiend, is readying his followers to take the field against him. He laughs to himself, relishing imagined images of the utter defeat the Fiend's pitiful warriors will suffer at the hands of his highly-trained, loyal Legion members.
There can be only ONE supremely Evil being in the Underworld, and Dage has grown very tired of his temporary home in Shadowfall. The souls he'll steal from Nulgath's fallen army will only increase his power. No bad bonus, that.
He has decided. Nulgath will fall and Dage's reign will begin. He knows this war is his to win.

Leagues away, a lone figure stands listening to the report his trembling minion has brought. As the puling pawn begins to turn, shaking with relief at having delivered the pretender's message, he freezes in place. His mind and body shatter into shards of failure. As the pieces hit the floor, Nulgath slowly smiles.

I am not sure yet but I have been sent this picture by my informers that Nulgath posted this picture and said "This will make its way to AQWorlds and Oversoul" I'm not sure if it will be an armour or monster (Or maybe both!)
The Ice Void of Nulgath I love it to be completely honest :P

=Battleunder= BattleunderD is released, New items in The Span and Pyromancer is released!

Hey I'm SO sorry about this weeks posts and everything I don't know how to apologise... (@ me on Twitter for suggestions!) ;) anyway I will now explain why this week has been all messed up!

1st. Torres couldn't do the weekly post so he sent me a text (Through an internet text app called Viber) I for some reason didn't get the message until some point yesterday and I was sending him constant texts asking where the post was and how come its not up, well anyway he wasn't getting my messages either so I rang him to find out what happened, and after I sent those texts I got the ones from him with Mondays date on them! 
2nd. I couldn't get on my computer and I cant do posts from my phone so I was trying to find someone suitable to sub for Torres for Torres's posts for the week and when I found someone he was having difficulty logging in to the site and then couldn't do pictures of his Kindle so I got someone else, Snowmote to do it I would of went to him 1st but he was on vacation but in the end I did and he did do the post, BUT (There's always a BUT) then he was having trouble with uploading pictures, that's why there was no pictures in posts this week :)

So to make it up to you I will personally do the overview for this week even though Snowmote was supposed to be but I told him that I had to do it for this week I owe it to you guys after all! So here is the overview of:

BattleunderD (With pictures!)

So here is a picture of the 1st room here you will get quests from Yara The Paladin to quest for the "Ice Calibreaker"
Where you enter BattleunderD
In the next room I find is the best room to kill  Banshees (You need to kill 7 Banshees for quest 2 "Icy Screams")
lol see what I mean about the banshees!
Now there's not really much about room 3 but I'll take a pic of it anyway so that it doesn't feel left out or excluded from the room pics xD 
See just 2 monsters xD
Room 4 has a big pillar and everything and leads to the boss it has 2 monsters in this room and that's it with it really xD
Do you like my balancing? its pretty ninja boss like if you ask me anyway...
And now the room with the boss! there is the boss and 2 other monsters in there and there are two versions of that room one has pillars (The one on the quest down there) here is the normal version xD

This is the boss room with the boss and 2 monsters xD the boss is also more of a mini boss and can be easily soloed xD
And last but not least the last room once you complete all the quests it has a different look to a hand just sticks up out of the lake with the "Ice Calibreaker" it its hand until you turn in the quest then its no longer accessible nor viewable so here is it without the giant hand stickin out xD

And the final room in this room you must keep tapping the lake to get break the ice for the sword xD
Okay it was a decent release took me about 20mins but I did have lag also a little hint for when doing the quest ACCEPT THE BATTLE AXE and DON'T delete it till you turn in the last quest or you will have to go find it again on a monster xD so take my words of wisdom xD

And here is a video on how to get Pyromancer  by Junijii since I cant get a player yet (We're having LOTS of 
difficulty with it!)

Now I have done that and am super tired ( Can this be my punishment?!) it is 3:35 as I type so that's close to 24hours now! >:O xD punishment enough?! also I will do the house items, pet, and Pyro sets tomorrow (Boy this is a long post!) now to check it for bugs *Sighs* its bugged ALOT! cant read the writing bugged :(

*20 minutes later* 
Okay I have unbugged it as far as I can see please tell me if you discover any bugs, typos or anything :)

Pyromancer themed items

I think I'll start off these items with the basic Pyromancer class

Here's the Pyromancer class artwork xD (Helm sold separately)
Next we'll take a look at the Pyromancer variable xD
And the variant xD I prefer the original to be quite honest (same helm)
And finally Xan's robes, and helm 
And Xan's armour and helm xD


Pyromancer Class - 84 Shurpu Blaze Tokens or 2000 ACs
Pyromancer Mask - 21 Shurpu Blaze Tokens (Member)
Emblazoned Pyromancer Armor - 500 ACs
Emblazoned  Mask - 150 ACs
Xan's Robess - 600 ACs
Xan's Flaming Skull -  42 Shurpu Blaze Tokens (Member)