Design Notes ( July 17,2012 )

July 17,2012
Fixes, Fighting, Fiction 
All Coming This Week in AQWorlds
Today (it's still Monday if you haven't slept yet, right?) was
 a really busy day ! Every Monday is, but this one more than
 most. Along with the usual meetings , discussions about
release work, and sharing tasks, we had e few key points
we needed to pin down before the team could really
get in gear for the week's work.

First up, BIG ( soon the be ) fixes!
We mentioned recently that one of the latest Flash Player
 updates has caused the lag increase to skyrocket. We
refuse to accept the limitations imposed on us by an
outside company, so we're doing everything we can do
 create our own work-around... even if that means
recoding an important part of the engine.

 Yorumi is handing over the weekly map-coding work to
Dumoose so that he can concentrate on getting this issue
dealt with as fast and as thoroughly as possible. We aren't
sitting on this problem; it is the TOP priority for the entire
AQW team.(And AE's other programmers want to know
how to fix issues like this to prevent or reduce them in their
games. /cheer for teamwork!

This afternoon, Yorumi met with Captain Rhubarb, Titan,
and Rolith (after speaking with Zhoom previously) about
this issue. That's a LOT of programming power focused on
fixing this lag issue. We don't have a solution yet, but we
DO have promising avenues of investigation.

Second, normal-sized fixes! 

We also worked on getting the last of the issues from the
Friday the 13th/War release fixed. That is a large part of
what Yorumi does on Mondays, and while working on the
lag issue, he also looked into the War Glaive error, the
bugged riddle minigame from Friday the 13th, and some
other things.

Fight Against Evil... with Evil!
Part 2 of the Dave* vs Nulgath war releases this Friday!
Get ready for more gear, more quests, and more areas of
the Underworld to explore! All of the shops will get new
items - ACs, Legion/Diamond merge shops, and the
regular war merge shops!

Klunk should now be dropping the Facebasher Mace +13
for all loyal Legion followers and any mercenary brave
enough to fight with them!

Two MORE minibosses will release with this Friday's war.
Will YOUR side be the first to unlock theirs? Remember,
the Legion won the first skirmish in the war, but that doesn't
mean the Nulgath Nation are out of the game. Rally
together and fight for your commander!

Note: Nulgath will not release the second installment of his
cinematic war cutscenes. As intricate as they are, they take
much longer than a week to produce. He will continue
working on that as he has time and will release it as soon
as it's polished.

Nulgath Waits... and Watches!

The week before last I wrote a story Design Notes that
focused on Dage the Evil. Nulgath appeared briefly, as that
lent dramatic tension to the scene. But this week I think it's
time we take a closer look at what is happening in the
ArchFiend's command tent. Get ready to watch the story
 unfold from an entirely new perspective. What you learn
may very well save your sanity... or your soul.

Coming Soon in AQWorlds!

  • Part II in the ChronoSpan Chaos zone
  • Dage vs Nulgath War finale
  • More SkyGuard

Tags: Alina Big bug fixes Small bug fixes Dave is not Dage I will not typo Dage as Dave
Dage vs Nulgath Part II How is Evil still a Live? Nulgath story DNs coming soon

( Guys as you can see this is just a copy past with som editing )

By Sennheisersoundhound /Sennheiser_

And like the tags say : Nulgath Story DN's Coming Soon! PREPARE!