Frostvale, The Span and more!

Hey there! Its me, kait! I'm sorry to be posting so late in the week, but I've been really busy lately. Anyway, lots of new things have been happening in AQW. First, ill must tell you battleon has changed. Now the version of battleon when you log in has changed into one based on your country, so you can see people who speak your same Language. To join a battleon where people speak Portuguese, do /join battleonpr , to join a battleon where people speak Spanish, do /join battleonsp , and to join the normal (English) battleon, do /join battleonen .
New Battleons!
Now, do you remember Beleen? She is a DEV in AE and she loves pink! Well, Beleen's Birthday is coming up In the 14th of December (Don't forget to wish her happy Birthday!), and for that special occasion, a new class is coming up. The class will be called Pinkomancer, and it will cost 2000 AC's. This class Is like Necromancer, but It's Pink!
Well, I think that's all you need to know about Pinkomancer. Well, Last Friday (Friday the 30th of November) a new Release came for The Span Saga. It is about MechQuest. Get Epic Items as the Space Voyager Armor and battle the Dragonoid! This is the last battle before you can face the Chaos Lord and the Chaos Beast!
Space Voyager Armor!
The Mighty Dragonoid!
Now, there's also something new called "Featured Guilds". This is really simple, and a great idea. It happens that you can now take a screenshot of your guild battling together, our guild posed in your favourite map, your guild encouraging other people or something else, and submit it in the forums. You may be wondering, what will happen if i submit the Screenshot? Well, it happens that every Monday, AE will pick one of the screenshots to be displayed on the homepage. Cool right? But you must note: In order to get picked, the Leader must create a thread on the Forum and once that's done, post a screenshot on this page. You can read more information in here.

Well, now I'll talk you about the release on this Friday. Well, as Alina said on the DN's, this Friday The Span's Chaos beast and Chaos Lord are coming up! I can't wait anymore till i fight them! Seems its time for Victory. Also, Dark Harvest and The Black Friday shops are now gone.
Can you defeat Chaos in The Span?
Now, there was a new release today! It is about Frostvale, you can play through past Frostvale events! I must also say that on Friday, apart from the release i mentioned above, Quibble is Coming with lots of cool Items! I really want to see all of the Items, and I'll buy specially the Glacial Destroyer. I must also mention most of Quibble's Items are going to Cost AC's.
The Glacial Destroyer!
Well, that's all for now... You can see AQW always releases new things constantly, and this makes it a great game to play; the best in my opinion. Battleon!