Hey there!

Hi there guys!

I'm the new lead for Battleon Entertainment (Jinglebob's my boss ;D).

You'll be seeing a few posts from me, and i'll be telling everyone what and when to post. (Except Jinglebob. He's my boss).

Anyways, let me get started.

So Xusha's Legacy has been turned into Liar's Curse. If you haven't been following on Twitter, Xusha's sort of lied to everyone and stole the art of the Xusha's Legacy armor. In my opinion I prefer the new art, which was made by Dage the Evil a long time ago. Anyway here's the new art for the new armor. It can be found in the Legendary Suggestion Shop.

Liar's Curse by Dage the Evil.

So, do you like the new art? I definitely know I prefer this one to the other one. Moving on.
This weeks release was to do with the Solaris and Lunaris clans. We pursue the monsters in Mobius to finally end the conflict between the clans and get the Sol and Luna artifacts. I'm not going to go spoil the surprise so you'll have to play the release and see it for yourself. 

The Astrium Armor. 

Also check out the new Suggestion Shop. All the old Suggestions are now in the "Legendary Suggestion Shop." It features Reki's Reminiscence armor and Zee The Legend's Rune Falcon Blade. 

Oh yeah before I go! This Saturday 1pm server time. There's a good-themed LQS! 
Don't miss it! (: