
Hey guys, it's Flamin here with an early post because lots of stuff has been happening. Firstly, a short while ago, Yorumi and the team released phase 1 of... GUILDS! :D, Phase 1 is just recruiting, creating, promoting things like that. The guild bases will be in phase 2, which should be soon. If you want to make a guild, hurry and get it free because as soon as it goes live for everyone it'll cost 1 million gold to make one! But a huge thanks to Yorumi for making this possible!

Me and my friends guild, 'Corrupted' If you wish to join just ask us! :)

Along with guilds we have some big news!TLaPD tomorrow! Solrac and Dage's awesome navals are coming and cost 1100 acs each! Also this years Starsword has been named! Chaos Starsword! Which is unsurprising as 2012 is the year of chaos and everything :D

I'll be renewing my mem, just for 6k acs! 
Well that's tomorrow, so don't miss it! Anyway, i'm going to continue recruiting for 'Corruption'