This Wednesday member-only update sees the inevitable lol cat invasion of AQW. Yes, that wasn't a typo, there are LOL-Cats this week. Like this one. 

There's a new membership package as I already posted. I'm only saying so again because there has been an update on the armour. Also there is an extra 1,000 AC's! Anyway, the update on the armour. Pretty awesome if you ask me.


The 10th Chaos Zone is nearly here! This Friday we go to The Span. The set-up for the next chaos lord. The name "Tibattleonia" is mentioned and apparently we will know what it means VERY soon.

Soon members of AQW will be Alpha Testing AQ3D! We will also get alpha points for every test they participate in. 

There will be a puppet show streamed live from The Underground Lab made with Cysero's left socks! There will be no scripts either. It's on Thursday 6pm EST.

Wednesday  Midweek AQW release and Reddit AWA
Thursday  AQ3D name announced in live sock puppet show 6pm
Friday  The 10th Chaos Lord emerges in AQWorlds!
Sunday  Chairman Platinum and Roam may appear on TV's American Ninja Warrior!