Weekly update
I'm substituting for Torres 872 this week cause of unknown reasons. (well 2 me) anyways, the weekly updates are as follows:
1) main release: battleunderd expansion. This part sadly is members only :( but since I am one I'll keep you updated. Not much information is known but I have found out this. This time you have to help Yara the paladin find a spirit that will help rid the evil once and for all. (sorry no pictures yet)
2) the span: giant plushies are coming!
3) the span: a new pet is coming. It's tek's pet Scrap.
4) pyromatic items: as we all know (I hope), Pyromancer is coming out. But wait, there's more! There's also a xan set and another pyromatic set. I'll post the items in the second post.
5) shops: according too my source, next Tuesday will have 2 new shops. Which ones? Te liberty and full moon. :)
Pictures for new items coming this week 6/29 post is coming later :)
Hi everyone. I'm new (like jinglebob mentioned. I will be doing items for the week(house and equip). I will also be doing class breakdowns and maybe reviews if ok with jinglebob. (I have a tendency to get stuff fast)and I will as requested by jinglebob for this week do the weekly review. :) but like I said I'm new, if I suck, I'll work on being better. If im good, like a boss :D
Oh and my name is snowmote online but my aqw name is treasuregummy. And I write for my own site and I'm working on a new site from scratch so I might be delayed sometimes :/
Pyromancer Breakdown & Explanation for the delay & Welcomes
Pyromancer Breakdown!:
Sorry about the delay, but there's been a little bit of confusion with the new staffs position e.g what they will be posting about and so ( People: :O New staff! Me: Yes new staff there is a welcome at the bottom of this post)
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This is Pyromancer class (Artwork by Dage The Evil) and the helm is sold separately |
Anyway back to the class breakdown this class is a single target farming class with pretty good defence
2 second cooldown
Same as all other auto attacks!
10 mana, 6 second cooldown
Does damage to your foe for little damage, applies Scorch for a DoT.
Small, fast damage with low mana cost and a quick cooldown. The one thing to pay attention to here is the 6 second DoT, because every other attack done does DOUBLE damage when Scorch is applied to your target.
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For example here's the animation for sear! |
Also EVERY none passive move on this class has BRAND NEW animation!, For example here's the animation for sear!
20 mana, 12 second cooldown
A blast of flame leaps from your hands burning multiple enemies around you, also causes a burn effect for damage over time and reduces enemy damage for a short time. Damage increased on enemies with Scorch applied.
This is your only AoE skill, but the cooldown isn't too long, it's not terribly costly considering the cooldown length AND it hits all foes with a damage debuff so they all attack back for less. Even in a single target situation this is a really nice skill as long as you have Scorch doubling the damage to your target.
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The Animation for Withering Blast |
35 mana, 20 second cooldown
Surround yourself in a magic shield of fire. Reduces incoming damage, heals for a small amount and any enemy who strikes you takes damage. Damage increased on enemies with Scorch applied.
You get a decent amount of HP back & For 6 seconds, you significantly reduce all incoming damage and for that 6 seconds any monster who hits you will have their damage reflected back at them for roughly the same amount as they would have done to you with a cap of 1000 damage (Monsters like Stalagbite can crit on themselves & Scorch can DOUBLE that power!)
It will be very nice in PVP and as Cysero said "Oh, what's that Mister Vindicator of They? You just took 90% of your OWN life away while I just stood there? Gee, sorry about that."
Since this is specialized damage, the damage numbers will appear as DoT orange numbers rather than white attack numbers. Here's my favorite part... Yorumi found a way to alter the way that skills function JUST to make this AWESOME skill animation continue to loop as long as your Burning Ward is active. (That part was by Cysero)
Rank 4 passives
Increase Damage reduced by 10%
Increase Damage output by 10%
Increased survivability and damage, but as it is a non-member class you only get 10% of either.
30 mana, 40 second cooldown
A massive fireball flies at your target exploding for HIGH damage, also also causing a burn effect for damage over time. Damage increased on enemies with Scorch applied
This is just any mage's basic fireball skill but about a trizilion times bigger!
This is the big damage skill of the class... sort of like your nuke, and again the damage is doubled with scorch on!
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Oh, that little 833 you see in the image. That's not a crit, its WITHOUT scorch applied and it's BEFORE we raised the damage on the skill in balancing. (Cysero said that) Thats also the animation for Flame Orb |
Rank 10 passive
Every so often your Haste and Mana Regen will GREATLY increase for a short time.
This will nearly quadruple your haste and mana regen for a small amount of time so you can FIRE AWAY at all your enemies for a while!
I would like to welcome Snowmote & Immatt55 to the team!
I haven't decided what Immatt55 can do yet as I was originally going to have him do posts on "Items Coming This Week!" but he works off a Kindle and Kindle's can't copy nor save images... But Snowmote will be doing Class Breakdowns like the one up there and will be doing "Item's Coming This week"
Check out Snowmote's AQW character Treasure Gummy!
Check out Snowmote's Twitter!
Check out Immatt55's AQW character
Check out Immatt55's Twitter!
Some .GIF i made
I made this when I joined Sephira ( @SephiraAngel )
on the Artix Server in /join party-01
I have put in on high speed :p
Sennheiser_ is back!
Yes people, i am back! :D
I will be posting enough for you, now i am back :p
but first i need some inspiration , because my exams took all my energy and inspiration away :(
but they are done MUHAHAAHA :D
from June 30th until july 14th ill be gone, ( on vacation )
I will be posting enough for you, now i am back :p
but first i need some inspiration , because my exams took all my energy and inspiration away :(
but they are done MUHAHAAHA :D
So that was the good news,
now the bad news :(from June 30th until july 14th ill be gone, ( on vacation )
Here is more GOOD News
The 27th of july is a special day :D
you know why !!! It is my birthday then !! Muuhahahahaha
you know why !!! It is my birthday then !! Muuhahahahaha
Legends Of Lore & a Friday Update
Legends Of Lore
I for one think they did a great job on the puppet show, but during it, they announced the name AND made the 1st alpha test go LIVE During the puppet show!! It is only chat at the moment but here is a picture of it now!
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This is a picture of gameplay in Legends Of Lore at the cemetery that I took :) |
=UPDATE= Servers Crashed!
Okay so the Legends Of Lore servers crashed and if you didn't get your 250 alpha points.... To bad!
Nope I'm only messing with you, they will put the server back up some time next week with alot of fixes :D
AE On American Ninja Warrior!
Roam from the Heromart video might be on American Ninja Warrior competing against Chairman Platinum this Sunday, I'm going to quote exactly what Artix wrote next, so these are not in my own words :)
Artix said: "Roam told me he wanted to be on Amercian Ninja Warrior show. Realizing this was a terrible idea... I immediately joined him and we filmed and made submission videos. Chairman Platinum found out about this -- and apparently he made a submission video too. The people in charge of the show approved ALL three of the videos and invited us to compete... provided that the Chairman wear his evil black suit, Roam wore renaissance gear and I wore my armor. Excited about being able to compete against Chairman Platinum in person, we made an agreement that if I won, we got Oversoul back. However, the stakes were high, if Chairman Platinum won... he got our entire game studio. O_O You know what they say, "Go big... or go home." We anxiously awaited to find out when they were going to film the show... but when I got the call... I WAS ALREADY 6,314 MILES AWAY IN JAPAN! (I am not making this up.) Unable to return home in time, the only option was for Roam to compete against Chairman Platinum on my behalf. He did. But contestants of the show are forbidden from revealing what happened or posting pictures until AFTER the episode airs. The rest of the staff and I will not know what happens until the show is on TV. They were filmed in Miami and that episode is airing this Sunday night at 9pm EST on G4 TV. I was anxious to announce this earlier... but, you should know, there are literally hundreds of contestants that went to the qualifiers in Miami. They only show a handful of the people who compete on TV. So before I went announcing this all over the place we needed to verify that they were actually going to appear on TV! But when Roam and I called the producer they were unable to tell us. So... we do not know if Chairman Platinum or Roam will appear on the episode or not. If they do... they will be easy to spot! So there it is, the whole story. The team is going over to my house to watch Sunday night..."
Artix said: "Roam told me he wanted to be on Amercian Ninja Warrior show. Realizing this was a terrible idea... I immediately joined him and we filmed and made submission videos. Chairman Platinum found out about this -- and apparently he made a submission video too. The people in charge of the show approved ALL three of the videos and invited us to compete... provided that the Chairman wear his evil black suit, Roam wore renaissance gear and I wore my armor. Excited about being able to compete against Chairman Platinum in person, we made an agreement that if I won, we got Oversoul back. However, the stakes were high, if Chairman Platinum won... he got our entire game studio. O_O You know what they say, "Go big... or go home." We anxiously awaited to find out when they were going to film the show... but when I got the call... I WAS ALREADY 6,314 MILES AWAY IN JAPAN! (I am not making this up.) Unable to return home in time, the only option was for Roam to compete against Chairman Platinum on my behalf. He did. But contestants of the show are forbidden from revealing what happened or posting pictures until AFTER the episode airs. The rest of the staff and I will not know what happens until the show is on TV. They were filmed in Miami and that episode is airing this Sunday night at 9pm EST on G4 TV. I was anxious to announce this earlier... but, you should know, there are literally hundreds of contestants that went to the qualifiers in Miami. They only show a handful of the people who compete on TV. So before I went announcing this all over the place we needed to verify that they were actually going to appear on TV! But when Roam and I called the producer they were unable to tell us. So... we do not know if Chairman Platinum or Roam will appear on the episode or not. If they do... they will be easy to spot! So there it is, the whole story. The team is going over to my house to watch Sunday night..."
Me again xD
Okay so I don't live in the USA therefore, where I live isn't in the time zone that is used in Land O' Lakes (Which is where the Secret Underground lab is) And I won't reveal my location but I will tell you if its a 9:00pm, where I am it will be 2:00am and I could stay up to watch it, BUT I still don't have G4TV which is the channel that its being aired on.... So I have a solution! here is a link to a streaming website for American Ninja Warrior http://watchseries.eu/serie/american_ninja_warrior
Please don't report this website, as it is handy for watching stuff over the internet if you don't have that channel anyway I'm gonna go watch a dvd because I am fed up of waiting for the release, so I will do the overview tomorrow :) Goodnight and enjoy your Friday night :)
=UPDATE= Torres 872
Please view this post for details about Torres 872's posts going all wacky :) http://battleonentertainment.blogspot.ie/2012/06/welcome-torres-872.htmlPUPPET SHOW!?!?!?
This Wednesday member-only update sees the inevitable lol cat invasion of AQW. Yes, that wasn't a typo, there are LOL-Cats this week. Like this one.
There's a new membership package as I already posted. I'm only saying so again because there has been an update on the armour. Also there is an extra 1,000 AC's! Anyway, the update on the armour. Pretty awesome if you ask me.
Wednesday Midweek AQW release and Reddit AWA
Thursday AQ3D name announced in live sock puppet show 6pm
Friday The 10th Chaos Lord emerges in AQWorlds!
Sunday Chairman Platinum and Roam may appear on TV's American Ninja Warrior!
There's a new membership package as I already posted. I'm only saying so again because there has been an update on the armour. Also there is an extra 1,000 AC's! Anyway, the update on the armour. Pretty awesome if you ask me.
The 10th Chaos Zone is nearly here! This Friday we go to The Span. The set-up for the next chaos lord. The name "Tibattleonia" is mentioned and apparently we will know what it means VERY soon.
Soon members of AQW will be Alpha Testing AQ3D! We will also get alpha points for every test they participate in.
There will be a puppet show streamed live from The Underground Lab made with Cysero's left socks! There will be no scripts either. It's on Thursday 6pm EST.
Wednesday Midweek AQW release and Reddit AWA
Thursday AQ3D name announced in live sock puppet show 6pm
Friday The 10th Chaos Lord emerges in AQWorlds!
Sunday Chairman Platinum and Roam may appear on TV's American Ninja Warrior!
=J6 Saga= Bountyhunter Bonzai
=J6 Saga= Bountyhunter Bonzai:
This week is a J6 release, its very short, if you use walkthroughs, its very tricky if you do it the old fashioned walkthroughless way like me.
There are many mini games and puzzles in the release, some are challenging others are not, I wont say how to, but I will leave Junijii's walkthroughs in the top right of the page (The player is glitched and doesnt always show Junijii's vids so I removed it, new one coming soon)
All the L.O.S.E.R.S (There's a green loser costume that drops off that giant foot) |
The Summer Shop:
The summer shop is live with ALL the items, even the surfboards lol!
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Heres ALL of the surfboards (including Samba lol) |
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Jemini's "Fire Dancer" set |
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Dages "Priest of Ignited One" Set |
There the highlights of the Summer shop but you could always buy yourself Evil Professor Dolfo for just 2,0000 (2 Million Gold) if you want to treat yourself!
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Evil Professor Dolfo and some guy (I got this picture from the wiki) |
Have a happy Tuesday night guys I'm going to farm in DragonFable for a while, nothing left to farm in AQW anymore... :)
Summer Shop Update
Hey everyone, sorry I wasn't on yesterday so I'll do yesterday's DN's along with today's.
Surfboards are now in the Summer Shop! Dage, Nulgath, Samba, Daimyo and J6 surfboards are all available now.
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The investment trinkets, as you probably already know, sell for 1,500 AC's (member) and 1,250 AC's (non-member). Use them wisely.
Voltaire is having a sale at his website! You can get the Sleezter Deady, Urkor Malravenus, Deady "Not Bootleg" toy, the "Deady Sings" CD all in one package of $65 USD! Pretty good if you ask me. There aren't very many of the CD's so get while you can. Here are just some of the songs on the CD
Songs on the "Deady Sings" CD
Vampire Club
Graveyard Picnic
Dead Girls
The Headless Waltz
Ex Lover's Lover
When You're Evil
Goodnight Demonslayer
Summer Shop, J6 release and more.
This week in the design notes it's been revealed the J6 saga will continue on a planet "destined for super-stardom". A group called the LOSERs ( League of Super Evil Rangers ) plan on destroying the planet with a doomsday rocket. There will also be a boss fight and 3 new minigames.
The summer shop is back! With stuff like the Ignited One set, the Fire Dancer set, Battle Swimwear and NPC Surfboards! The surfboards will be Daimyo, J6, Samba, Nulgath and Dage.
The summer shop is back! With stuff like the Ignited One set, the Fire Dancer set, Battle Swimwear and NPC Surfboards! The surfboards will be Daimyo, J6, Samba, Nulgath and Dage.
Ignited One set.
DO NOT sell your investment trinket yet because they do not increase in price until Wednesday!
The tier 2 Necrotic and Destiny weapons will hopefully be released on Friday as Dage is hard at work with the art.
If you buy a 1 year membership starting next week, you will recieve the Golden Plate armour from the original Adventure Quest. (This is a limited time offer much like the Deathknight armour offer)
Golden Plate armour
The zombies art contest winners and new mods will both be announced during the coming days. If you entered either of them, good luck!
Xan Finale (Spoiler Alert)
Xan Finale SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!
Ok so here's the awaited post, I assume awaited anyway *Raises eyebrow*Anyway the Xan Finale, theres not much to it really
Xan has abused a town, you go and save it, then defeat him, so he runs away and talks to the children after trapping you and all the grown ups, on one side of the town while he talks to the children and makes them decide which parent that he will take as an apprentice and vice versa with the parents about the children.
In the end he ends up taking a parent as a "apprentice" but is only using her as bait, the person he takes is Andesi's mother and Andesi is training under Warlic.
To put it simply Xan is using Andesi's mother as bait to get Warlic to come, and use you to get the ring of Shurpu, for him which magnifies your power by 1000, BUT when you get it and Xan offers Andesi's mothers life in return for the ring you give it to him , But the hero stopped at Escherions tower before going to Xan, and enhanced the ring with inversion, and when Xan put it on he added a spell to make it that neither the hero nor Warlic can remove the ring from Xan's finger EVER! So with the inversion magic, only the hero and Warlic can remove it! and it decreases Xan's power by 1000!
I think its a decent release, but wouldn't call it one of there best, but that's a matter of opinion really, so /Join Xancave- now!
Sorry about the delay on this post, but I have been busy, so when I got the chance I wrote it and wrote a long one to say sorry :)
Coming(From the Design Notes)
Next Week:
- Limited Time Summer Shop! Look for NEW versions of the NPC surfboard featuring some of your favourite characters, Dage's Pyromancer Apprentice set, and the incredible Professor Dolpho pet!
- J6's Saga updates with "Bountyhunter Banzai!"
Coming Soon:
- The 10th Chaos Lord Saga hub town releases!
- Dage vs Nulgath War begins!
- And Guilds
Bullet points don't work and I cant get them to work :(
In case you didn't see the post I made the other day I would like to announce that Torres 872 has joined our team and that you should read the post I made earlier :)
I added a youtube video thing with walkthroughs from Junijii! Could I please get some feedback about it and what you guys think about it and would like to see in it so I can try and do that? please contact me via the comment section or via my twitter :) (You must click on the walkthrough you want to watch then a box will pop up with that walkthrough video in it :) I know fancy ;)
Alchemy Overview
Hi. My name is Torres 872. I'm new to this website but I will be doing an overview of the design notes. Now though, I'll be reviewing the new alchemy faction. To make a potion you need two reagents. The reagents are dropped from monsters or you can get them by buying a dragon rune stones for 15 ACs. There's a red button that heats the reagents. Heat it too much though, and the station will catch fire. I didn't know that. I was extra crispy. Alchemy isn't as fun as fishing in my opinion but It's still worth a try.
Here are some potions that you can creat (From the Design Notes)
Anyway I will stop the review with that, and get onto writing the Xan Finale overview :D expect it soon, probably tonight, BUT I'm tired so if its not up in 2hours then expect it not to come
(I plan on having it up in an hour but I could fall asleep and wake up and write it again)
Jinglebob5 Here
Torres is busy so Im gonna finish this off, cause he wont get a chance for a while, but I wanna give this post to you asap :D and I have time now so I'm gonna :D
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Burning down the alchemy lab |
- Alchemy Reagents drop from monsters.
- You can purchase all except 2 reagents using Dragon Runestones (15 ACs each) or Academic Merits (Awarded from quests).
- There are two rep boosting quests one is member, and one is non member. (The member quests gives DOUBLE rep)
- There are quests for spell crafting rep from Warlic, and quests for blacksmithing from Cysero!
- Although spell crafting and blacksmithing arent tradeskills yet, (They will probably be the next ones) the quests still leave you rank up your faction for both!
- Lim's Extra Credit quests requiru we reagents yoill create in Blacksmithing. Guess you'll have to come back to the Academy after that releases! (Taken from the design notes)
- Each time you use a Dragon Runestone, theres a chance of a random animation!
Here are some of the animations (Pictures by Cysero from the Design Notes)
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Some of the animations that can be done using a dragon runestone |
- Basic Bright Tonic - Use to increase your intelligence by 8% for 5 minutes.
- Unstable Courage Tonic - Use to increase your endurance by 12% for 7 minutes.
- Potent Malevolence Elixir - Use to increase your spell power by 25% for 15 minutes.
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This is the Alchemicia Pharmacopoeia good luck reading it, they were not intended by the writer to go ingame but to just be his notes (Read below for more!) |
You can lol at this one....... (I got this one from the Design Notes to lol)Alina said:
"The Alchemicia Pharmacopoeia uses Dumoose's REAL notes taken while designing Alchemy. Dumoose miiiiiiight need a vacation from this......."
So yeah lol
I've got questions on this from people and to open the Alchemicia Pharmacopoeia by Lim, Lim doyou click on the book esnt have it by clicking on his ! you must click on the book beside him!Welcome Torres 872
Welcome Torres 872
His job on the blog will be doing an overview of the release during the week, for example this weeks release was Xan finale if Torres 872 joined last week, this week he would of done a review telling you what's coming this week, like this week is the Xan finale.
But this week Torres 872 will be writing a release on Alchemy......
Please follow him on twitter!
Check out his AQW account!
=UPDATE!= Date:09/06/2012 Time: 23:07 (11:07)
I am very busy now so I am not going to do the Xan Finale write up until, probably tomorrow.... I am sorry but I'm very busy=DOUBLE UPDATE!= Date: 23/06/2012 Time: 18:37 (6:37)
Torres872 has changed his name to Squiggles McDerpmeister,
so all posts done by him have been changed to that name, he is still Torres 872 but changed his name to that, while he was changing it there were some errors in the system that made his name anonymous for a short amount of time...
Farewell Khryist
Today is the day that Khryist takes his leave from Battleon Entertainment's blog design.....
We will miss him a lot, but he has to move on, he simply has no time any more, thats why he left his own blog aqwmedia.com unactive.
Its now time that he leaves this blog, its saddening but lets remember all that he's done for this blog :)
We will miss him a lot, but he has to move on, he simply has no time any more, thats why he left his own blog aqwmedia.com unactive.
Its now time that he leaves this blog, its saddening but lets remember all that he's done for this blog :)
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Before Khryist |
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After Khryist |
All the glowing links, the new comment section, the background and everything about else that isn't in the first picture.. So let us thank once more Khryist :)
Sennheiser's Absence
I will be offline for the upcoming month, due to exams.
I will be back on the 22nd of June.
I will be back on the 22nd of June.
Doomwood: AQW Zombies: Part 5 of 5 & Announcements
AQW Zombies:The Final Battle Against Sepulchure
This weeks release is where the final battle is lead on Battleon, everywhere else on(AND off) Lore has been invaded by zombies and have turned EVERYONE there to zombies, even friends such as Ganaloth, Warlic, Alina, Cysero and Zhoom and have fallen to the zombies.There is just you(the hero) Artix(the paladin) and Gravelyn(SPOILER ALERT! the champion of light) and Twilly (the healing moglin) remain and Twilly is no fighter so that leaves it to you,Artix and Gravelyn to take out, 20,000 zombies, Sepulchure SPOILER ALERT! Drakath (Believed to be the champion of chaos) and The Necrotic Blade of Doom (Sepulchures sword) yes you must fight The Necrotic Blade of Doom.... In a way
In this release, you are still in Doomwar and are just in a different section of the area.You must talk to Artix to get to the area, there is a cutscene after each quest. (thats what the whole Samba zombie dance thing was about) In the quests you must kill zombies
- zombie dragon (Health:3352)
- angry zombie (Health: 3,352)
- Zombie Galanoth (Health: 4,827)
- Zombie Warlic (Health: 9,550)
- Cyzerombie (Health: 8,369)
- Zombie Alina (Health: 6,008)
- Zhoombie(Health: 7,118)
- Zombie King Alteon(Health: 6893)
- Dark Sepulchure (Health: 58,838)
- Deathknight class (Art by Aranx and class stats and moves by Cysero)
- Ultimate Horror Armor (pink derp zombies!!!)
- Pink Zombie Villager
- Pepto Zombie Armor
- Derp Zombie Armor
- Zombie Quibble Bank Pet
- Daimyo
Other Announcents:
- In preparation for the release of Alchemy in 2 weeks, alchemy reagents have started dropping from boss monsters. You will need lots of these to make potions so stock up!
- The zombie art contest is now over the winner will be announced shortly
A BIG thanks:
And notice the total pageviews in the pic thats: 170 (rounded off of course!) but still thats when the blog has only been up for 1 week! (We were at our most popular then for some reason lol!)
We currently have 250 pageviews (admin and author pageviews have been turned off on every browser since day 1 before the blog went live!) I have been told that those are excellent viewing rates! So I would like to thanks Khryist, Tygertjuh and ALL of our viewers even if they only viewed this blog once or if this is the 1st time you have seen this blog, we are grateful for all of you!
I will leave you all with that, as I have run out of stuff to say now so I will just stop typing after saying thi....
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