My Day on Monday

Sorry I didnt get a chance to write this yesterday but I have been very busy with school work.

Okay as some of you know the war reached 100% yesterday (when I was in school :( so I didn't get to play it straight away) It all started when I was in class *Flashback* phones LED starts flashing me quickly checks when teacher wasn't looking (like a sneaky ninja) also we do not encourage using phones during class but it was my twitter and BBM so I quickly checked as it kept happening (therefore multiple messages) I checked them and I had people telling me that it reached 80% I sent ok in class talk later (which I had copyed so I could send that at the click of 2 buttons I then waited the 40minutes until class ended

*40 minutes later*
OMG in the 40 minutes it got to 100%! I had another 6 classes until I got home so I'll just skip to there rather then bore you with my school day actually I will well 1st I had history where we learned about...... Nah Im just kiddin anyway 

*6 classes and a car ride later*

And Im home I got something to eat went on the computer and watched the cutscene and wrote this.
 I dont have time now as I could barely get time to write this with school work.... But as SOON as I can I will write about the cutscene and maybe show some pics of the 100% shop..... IF I get time before Friday I will if not I'll do it Friday maybe depends if the release is out or not from when I get home (Not from school >:3)