Thanks to Khryist! :)

I Haven't made a post in a while but I hope you have been watching that "To Do List" as I have been updating that but THIS post is about the blog
As some of you more observant viewers may have noticed on the "To Do List" that we have been making a new design for the blog, a HTML design, well I am not making it our designer Khryist is making it. I really want to show you but I don't want to have what happened in the "To Do List" when I tried to tell you what the site URL was..... www.*Gagged and cant finish* 
*5 Hours later*
I was left free on the agreement to not tell the URL to ANYONE so no more attempts okay? Sorry I tried to give it to you all but its not working..... he's just to much of a sneaky ninja! 
I would just like to say again how much I appreciate what Khryist is doing so thank you so much Khryist