Deathknight Skill Set Breakdown And Announcements


Deathknight Skill Set Breakdown!:

2 second cool down
A basic attack, taught to all adventurers. 

5 mana, 5 second cool down
The chill of death seeps into your foe. Death's Chill causes more damage over time for each stack of this skill. Stacks up to 5 times.
You will notice that this skill doesn't do any damage on it's own. It's not actually an attack, it just applies Death's Chill up to 5 times and each time you stack it, the DoT from the skill gets a little stronger. Considering that this skill affects every other usable skill, do not underestimate its importance. Plus, the DoT gives you Mana...

15 mana, 8 second cool down
This moderate strike causes Frostbite, a damage over time effect that also slows your foe's attack speed. Enemy haste reduced more with more stacks of Death's Chill.
This skill IS an attack PLUS it has a DoT AND it slows your foe down. Your target's haste will get debuffed more with more stacks of Death's Chill but it will consume all the stacks of Death's Chill so you will want to reapply them quickly. Plus, the DoT gives you Mana...
25 mana, 18 second cool down
A powerful strike that causes Deathgrip. Your foe feels the life slowly crushed out of them causing damage over time and reducing their damage. Enemy damage reduced more with more stacks of Death's Chill. Has a small chance to cause a 6 second stun.
This skill is also an attack, a strong one, PLUS it applies yet another DoT AND it applies a fairly strong damage debuff to your foe which gets stronger with more stacks of Death's Chill AND ALSO it has a small chance to stun your opponent for 6 seconds which is just the cherry on top of this skill. It's expensive and the cooldown is pretty long but it's worth it. Plus, the DoT gives you Mana...
Rank 4 passives
Increase STR STAT by 12%
Increase CRIT CHANCE by 12%
More damage and more chance to crit. Since it's a Member Class you get a full 12% of both.

30 mana, 20 second cool down
You tap into the power of Death to pull your form back together. Causes you to heal over time, and significantly increases your damage resistance, but also slows your attack speed and reduces your damage output and crit chance while you are regenerating. Amount healed increases with stacks of Death's Chill.
Here is your "turtle heal". You cast a Heal Over Time (HoT) on yourself, and cut all damage you take by a very large amount, but everything has a price. You will also nerf your outgoing damage and lower your own crit % while the heal is in effect. Basiclly, you take yourself out of the fight for a few seconds to regenerate.
The heal also gets stronger with stacks of Death's Chill but like the other skills this one also eats the entire stack so you really have to decide where and when to use your stacks. The skill is very expensive and has a very slow cooldown but it's very useful. At level 45 with full level Fighter Enh I was healing for about 150 a tick, and with a full stack of Death's Chill I was seeing upwards of 400 a tick!
Rank 10 passive
Rarely, a frozen wave explodes out of you smiting your foe with all of the finality of death itself.
At rank 10, you suddenly gain a power that goes off randomly, costs no mana and does MASSIVE damage to a single target. You've seen this skill before but with a totally single target class like this it's really the best place for it.
And there it is... DeathKnight Class. Aranx said that after the armor he will probably have time for some matching set pieces (Helm, weapon and/or cape) which will also go into DoomWood Rep at Rank 10 and also be for you Members Only.


  • Zombie Quibble gets a buff including the Zombie Quibble bank pet! (ULTRA Rare!)
  • Shadow Steel armour (Comes with the Shadowscythe mousepad)
Shadowscythe Mousepad
Shadow Steel Armour

Zombie Quibble bank pet

My Day on Monday

Sorry I didnt get a chance to write this yesterday but I have been very busy with school work.

Okay as some of you know the war reached 100% yesterday (when I was in school :( so I didn't get to play it straight away) It all started when I was in class *Flashback* phones LED starts flashing me quickly checks when teacher wasn't looking (like a sneaky ninja) also we do not encourage using phones during class but it was my twitter and BBM so I quickly checked as it kept happening (therefore multiple messages) I checked them and I had people telling me that it reached 80% I sent ok in class talk later (which I had copyed so I could send that at the click of 2 buttons I then waited the 40minutes until class ended

*40 minutes later*
OMG in the 40 minutes it got to 100%! I had another 6 classes until I got home so I'll just skip to there rather then bore you with my school day actually I will well 1st I had history where we learned about...... Nah Im just kiddin anyway 

*6 classes and a car ride later*

And Im home I got something to eat went on the computer and watched the cutscene and wrote this.
 I dont have time now as I could barely get time to write this with school work.... But as SOON as I can I will write about the cutscene and maybe show some pics of the 100% shop..... IF I get time before Friday I will if not I'll do it Friday maybe depends if the release is out or not from when I get home (Not from school >:3)

Doomwood II : AQW Zombies! Part 2

Its Saturday morning but could be considered a Friday night as it is was  as I wrote MOST of this I then got to tired and fell asleep and didnt get around to finishing it until the  1:33am as I post this I am very tired as I post this as I have been out from 6pm-10pm minding my cousin in the park and helped clean the house when I got home from school at about 4:30 the point is Im very tired and this is the 1st release review I have done so go easy on me okay? (Also Im battling countless zombies so writing a review of the release is hard)

Today's release

Today's release is a war, a big one at that.
This release will take you all over lore as you fight off the zombie infestation. (All these places from around lore are all in one map in one map but based on different places in AQW.) Also you MUST replay the cutscene and kill the war boss in Doomhaven again to gain access to doomwar. After you kill him click your map, go into AQW Zombies on it and Lair on that map should be red if not just /join Doomwar-1 (or if you like to be the only one in the room come up with a custom number and only tell who you want to be in that room with you, like a friend what that number is)

Areas of this war:

  • 1st area- War camp. 
  • 2nd- A zombie version of Lair. 
  • 3rd- zombie version of Mythsong. 
  • 4th- zombie version Arcangrove. 
  • 5th (Last war area)- Willowshire.
  • 6th (This is a Member only bonus map)- Yulgar (This is a different room aswell so /join yulgarzombie-)


There is one cutscene in this release which is titled "???"

How to unlock these parts of the war:

  • 1st area- Auto unlocked
  • 2nd area- Auto unlocked
  • 3rd area- unlocks at 20%
  • 4th area- unlocks at 40%
  • 5th area- unlocks at 60%
  • cutscene unlocks at 80%
  • Completed at 100%  ( pretty obvious ) 

Hi there, this is Khryist ^_^

Hello everyone,
This is Khryist, Battleon Entertainment Designer :D
Ok so as you are reading this, you have noticed that the changes is now alive and functional. There might be alittle bit bugs i am fixing it by the time you are reading this ;)
So i really wish you guys enjoy the new design, and if you found anything wrong such as bug or anything, just post a comment or tell me or Jinglebob5 on Twitter.

Have a good day ;)


This has happened so I crossed everything out 
Ok I don't know if I should tell you this and this could be a good OR bad thing to read this.

WARNING do not read on if you are easily upset!

Okay I've warned you so I am not sure but I have been talking to Khryist about the design and we MIGHT be releasing VERY shortly as in TODAY LIKE WITHIN MINUTES! like I said I am not positive Khryist said that he cant think of anything else to do with it but to MAYBE leave it untill next week IN CASE he DOES think of something else. If Khryist WANTS to leave it until next week I WILL leave it until next week,as he made it so I will make it HIS call.I will leave you with this message and be sure to check when this was posted. If the blog doesnt look really colourful like this:
Battleon Entertainment (This could be the old one by the time you read this)

  1. I am talking with Khryist now and we are debating about when to release what he's been working on.I cant promise anything but I will leave you with this:
  2.  The time is near my friends......

Thanks to Khryist! :)

I Haven't made a post in a while but I hope you have been watching that "To Do List" as I have been updating that but THIS post is about the blog
As some of you more observant viewers may have noticed on the "To Do List" that we have been making a new design for the blog, a HTML design, well I am not making it our designer Khryist is making it. I really want to show you but I don't want to have what happened in the "To Do List" when I tried to tell you what the site URL was..... www.*Gagged and cant finish* 
*5 Hours later*
I was left free on the agreement to not tell the URL to ANYONE so no more attempts okay? Sorry I tried to give it to you all but its not working..... he's just to much of a sneaky ninja! 
I would just like to say again how much I appreciate what Khryist is doing so thank you so much Khryist

To Do List

I have some stuff here that I am going to be putting in place sort of a "To Do List" 

To Do List:

  • Post on the weekends (it annoys me the way AE stops posting design notes and some even stop there twitter posts on the weekends in all fairness thats when we get the chance to read them
  • Add the content to the pages that say "Coming soon....."
  • Add a twitter page (Expect that for at least tomorrow)
  • Add a Facebook page (This could take a while for me to get around to it)
  • talk as much as possible with people that know a lot about AQW(upcoming contests, releases, Account information, Botters, Glitches, Lagg Just Everything.) (
  • And if you want to be REALY good, you must post it before Artix and Cysero or Alina do. :)
  • Finish the blog design and everything else about it on the test blog (yes we have a test blog (I know professional right) which we are testing everything that will happen to this blog will be tested here and Im not supposed to do this according to Khryist but the link to it is www.*Gets gagged and cant finish the URL* 
Hello this is Khryist and I am here to continue what Jinglebob5 was saying, as he got....... ambushed also it wasn't me *smiles evilly* anyway I cant tell you the test site URL good day >:3

Just some idea for the future

We should make sort of a forum (or a special page)  on here, so we can contact Flash artist,
 post our ideas and they can flash them for us :o
Wouldn't that be a great idea :o

We should realise this in the future !
i've got some great ideas for us! :D

Some Screenshots and Pictures of AQW

Here Are Some ScreenShots and Pictures of AQW (Warning some are derped)
The most flames I have EVER seen in aqw's at once!

A picture of Nulgath by Dage

The AQW team gave each player 200acs as a christmas present

The age of AQW Zombies is upon us! 

Weird stat points page

Zazuls shop

New Team member!


Welcome To The Team!:

I would like to give a warm welcome to the newest member of our team, his name is Khryist! He works on and is a great blog editor, photoshopper and has really nice writing styles!

This is a blurred version and he made every bit of this O_o and I wasnt joking about the writing see!

Khryist's Purpose to the blog:

Khryist will be designing the blog and if he wants to posting, 
Khryist is going to be a big help to the blog as this blog is only new and has problems and surely more will.

I will leave it at that for today as I am hungry lol >_>

Major Blog Editing Complete!

I am now done the main editing which has been VERY hard to do without help while studying I have added the Drakaths FULL history but havent gotten a chance for anything else yet I am now getting help for here from the people I mentioned , lets get this blog out of inactive! :D please talk to me through the comments or on my twitter

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog here I will be talking about AQW giving news about it and updating it regularly.I love AQW so I have decided to make a blog for it I might stretch the blog further to all AE but am not sure yet it depends how Oversoul and AQ3D go, if there good games that I'm interested in it will be stretched further :). As I write this I am flicking back and forth between tabs adding and changing this site, by the time you read this the changes may already be made :) so if the blog is plain you are one of the people who have seen this blog before it goes relatively noticed, here is my Twitter I use it quite regularly and will answer you if you write to me fast unless I'm sleeping which can happen with time differences. I will NOT swear on this blog as anyone can view it. I am the ONLY person writing this blog for now other people will be posting on it but for now its only me :) the people that will write on it soon will be: Fyre Winged, Torres 872 and Tygertjuh(also goes by Sven and Sennheiser)