Weekly Update and OVERSOUL!

Hey there guys! It's Flamin. Although now on Twitter and Oversoul i'm known as Overlord! Haha, yup. Took opportunity of the name, just like I took advantage of 'IAMLEGEND' in HeroSmash. Alright so, some of you new guys will be like. 'What the heck is Oversoul?' I'll tell you what it is. Oversoul is a new amazing game now in early alpha testing (Really early. Yesterday was when it was released) It's a luck based strategy card game. In Oversoul there's no armors, hairstyles or whatever. But there are characters that can be possessed. Right now there are 11 characters and I possess all of them! My personal favorite is the 'Fire Witch' which, if charged right, can do so much damage. Especially with the 'Fireball' attack. A personal strategy of mine, first deploy a shield, then keep charging until you have enough to use more than one strong attack. I remember I took out this guy with a shield, a fireball and 3 infernos. That's why I have no cards left.
Quick word of advice. If anyone hasn't made a character yet, get an awesome name like I did, and also choose this as your starter. It took me about 2 hours to find the witch. Oh and that character I killed is an alpha exclusive. Skexis Fiend. Oh and it'll be confusing for newcomers so check this video out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIeh6dtMol4

Anyway. Enough Oversoul for now. Actually i'm really a hypocrite. The game is in my other tab as we speak.
Heh look. Pink. :D
This week, AQW is revealing the 1st Chaos Beast of The Span. The legendary Carnax from the original AQ. Note the fact I said '1st Chaos Beast of The Span'. 1st. First. Uno. This states there may be other ones! Well, members can go and fight the ULTRA CARNAX in /join ultracarnax where the NPC paladin golem Moon Called who gives you the quest to beat it.
 But take along some friends. You can't beat it without any. It does a move that does 8000 damage that's split up among everyone unless you're alone, then you get all 8000 :D.
Just like I did.

Well good luck beating it, I've already beat it twice and on the second try I got the awesome sauce Reign Gatekeeper.

Oh yeah. You may be wondering where my hair's from. It's from Aranx's birthday shop, which contains this hairstyle AND 'Glory of Aranx' armor. Both are member gold. Remember guys AOLF! (Aranx Only Live Forever) x)

And the runes on my back? Well they're from the Obrigado Brasil shop. The rune's acs and there are some non mem rune weapons. Oh and this is the personal set of the mod formerly known as Daimyo. 
Obrigado Brasil!

Wow there are so many shops in Battleon. Including the Cave Art one with a caveman armor, a weapon and some derp pets.
Now before I go, I want you all to remember there's a Limited Quantity Shop TODAY at 1pm server time. 5/6pm for any Brits like me. Wot wot.

Anyway guys, that's this weeks, weekly update done, and i'll be personally making posts to do with Oversoul. Cause i'm really getting into it. And also, some new authors should be making their debut post soon so be nice :3
