I'm Back!

Hey guys, I'm back from vacation!

So now that I'm back I'll explain why I couldn't post,
first of all its VACATION so I'm supposed to relax, but of course that was difficult and I attempted to get wifi EVERYWHERE I went, and you'd be surprised where has wifi and where doesn't :o I was at a restaurant and they didn't have wifi yet a gas station had wifi! lolwut!? 
Anyway so I was using Twitter wherever I had wifi but I have a Blackberry and Blogger isn't supported by Blackberry so I can't make posts via my phone, I couldn't get on the internet cause of how expensive it was, in most places it was €1.50 for 10 minutes that's Euro by the way, in dollars its about $1.80 and in Pound it would be about £1.15 so you can see how pricey they were, it wasn't that fast either because I found a place where it was €5 per hour which is a rip off but better..

I would like to thanks Sennheiser for running the blog while I was done so many thanks :D

Now onto the list of what I have planned there isn't much so I have decided to hold back until I have more sorry but there is only 1 or 2 things I can say that will happen and that doesn't seem to be enough so I will leave you today with this picture of my AQW character supporting Dage #DagesLegion #DageVsNulgath

Armour: Dark Caster (Original)
Weapon: Legion Flesh Ripper
Cape: Vampire Bats
Pet: Paragon Pet
& Altar of Caladbolg