Doomwood: AQW Zombies: Part 5 of 5 & Announcements

AQW Zombies:The Final Battle Against Sepulchure

This weeks release is where the final battle is lead on Battleon, everywhere else on(AND off) Lore has been invaded by zombies and  have turned EVERYONE there to zombies, even friends such as Ganaloth, Warlic, Alina, Cysero and Zhoom and have fallen to the zombies.
There is just you(the hero) Artix(the paladin) and Gravelyn(SPOILER ALERT! the champion of light) and Twilly (the healing moglin) remain and Twilly is no fighter so that leaves it to you,Artix and Gravelyn to take out, 20,000 zombies, Sepulchure SPOILER ALERT! Drakath (Believed to be the champion of chaos) and The Necrotic Blade of Doom (Sepulchures sword) yes you must fight The Necrotic Blade of Doom.... In a way
In this release, you are still in Doomwar and are just in a different section of the area.You must talk to Artix to get to the area, there is a cutscene after each quest. (thats what the whole Samba zombie dance thing was about) In the quests you must kill zombies
  • zombie dragon (Health:3352) 
  • angry zombie (Health: 3,352)
 There are 6 mini bosses then which are:
  1. Zombie Galanoth (Health: 4,827)
  2. Zombie Warlic (Health: 9,550)
  3. Cyzerombie (Health: 8,369)
  4. Zombie Alina (Health: 6,008)
  5. Zhoombie(Health: 7,118)
  6. Zombie King Alteon(Health: 6893)
Then comes THE BOSS,
  • Dark Sepulchure (Health: 58,838)
Not very powerfull but he does on average 180 damage (My average report) Also its not the original seppy its only a Doom copy of him and you know what they say a copy is never even Nearly as good as the original!



  • Deathknight class (Art by Aranx and class stats and moves by Cysero)
  • Ultimate Horror Armor (pink derp zombies!!!)
  • Pink Zombie Villager
  • Pepto Zombie Armor
  • Derp Zombie Armor
  • Zombie Quibble Bank Pet
  • Daimyo

Other Announcents:

  •  In preparation for the release of Alchemy in 2 weeks, alchemy reagents have started dropping from boss monsters. You will need lots of these to make potions so stock up!
  • The zombie art contest is now over the winner will be announced shortly

A BIG thanks:

I just cant believe how much this blog has grown! like we used to look like this!:

This is how we looked before Khryist came along with his awesome blog design (We looked like 
this even WITH Tygertjuh's help! and he is very good at blog design but couldnt give his FULL help 
as he is currently administrating  4  6 blogs! 

Sennheiser_ / Tygertjuh here :
I am not an Expert on the look of the blog, i wanted to keep it as 

simple and professional as possible therefore i pay more attention to 
the information i give towards the viewers :)

So as you can see we have come a LONG way and this was our second attempt at blog design! our current design is our 3rd! Notice the date in the pic thats the 23rd of May! Thats only 11days ago! look how far we've come in those 11 days (even thought it was 11 days since attempt 3 went live) Its only been a month and 13days since the blog was created (43days!) but unfortunately I dont have a screenie of the blog back then lol!
And notice the total pageviews in the pic thats: 170 (rounded off of course!) but still thats when the blog has only been up for 1 week! (We were at our most popular then for some reason lol!)
We currently have 250 pageviews (admin and author pageviews have been turned off on every browser since day 1 before the blog went live!) I have been told that those are excellent viewing rates! So I would like to thanks Khryist, Tygertjuh and ALL of our viewers even if they only viewed this blog once or if this is the 1st time you have seen this blog, we are grateful for all of you!
I will leave you all with that, as I have run out of stuff to say now so I will just stop typing after saying thi....